Worker API
This is the API that should be implemented by users. Once a Twister2 job is submitted Twister2Worker instances are created in the cluster. Number of worker instances are specified by the user when submitting the job.
Twister2Worker Interface
public interface Twister2Worker {
* This is the main point of entry for Twister2 jobs.
* Every job should implement this interface.
* When a job is submitted, a class implementing this interface gets instantiated
* and executed by Twister2.
* As the first thing in the execute method,
* users are expected to initialize the proper environment object:
* for batch jobs: BatchTSetEnvironment
* for streaming jobs: StreamingTSetEnvironment
void execute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv);
Users write their programs by implementing the above interface. This interface provides access to the Twister2 distributed environment. From here onwards a user can use different APIs provided by Twister2 to define the application. For example a single application can use Operator API, Task API, or TSet API all mixed together to achieve the desired goals.
Creating the Job
The main class of the program needs to create and submit the job with required parameters.
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
// first load the configurations from command line and config files
Config config = ResourceAllocator.loadConfig(new HashMap<>());
// build JobConfig, we can put job parameters in to the job config and access these
// inside worker through conffg
JobConfig jobConfig = new JobConfig();
jobConfig.put("iterations", 10);
// now create a twister2 job and submit, we need to set the class name of the IWorker here
Twister2Job twister2Job = Twister2Job.newBuilder()
.addComputeResource(no_cpus_per_worker, memory_per_worker, no_of_workers)
// now submit the job
Twister2Submitter.submitJob(twister2Job, config);
Job Submission
Once the job is compiled to a Jar file, it can be submmitted using the twister2 submit
More details can be found in the Job Submit section.