Class | Description |
CSVInputFormatTest | |
CSVInputFormatTest.TestSink | |
CSVInputFormatTest.TestSource |
This is the test source class
KMeansComputeJob |
It is the main class for the K-Means clustering which consists of four main tasks namely
generation of datapoints and centroids, partition and read the partitioned data points,
read the centroids, and finally perform the distance calculation.
KMeansComputeJob.CentroidAggregator |
This class aggregates the cluster centroid values and sum the new centroid values.
KMeansComputeJob.KMeansAllReduceTask | |
KMeansComputeJob.KMeansSourceTask | |
KMeansDataGenerator |
Generate a data set
KMeansDataGeneratorTest | |
KMeansMain | |
KMeansTsetJob | |
KMeansUtils |
This class has the utility methods to generate the datapoints and centroids.
MLTest | |
PointDataSource | |
TaskGraphBuildTest | |
TaskGraphBuildTest.TestSink1 | |
TaskGraphBuildTest.TestSink2 | |
TaskGraphBuildTest.TestSource |