Class | Description |
CDFConstants | |
CDFJobParameters | |
DataGeneratorSink | |
DataGeneratorSource | |
HelloExample | |
HelloExample.Aggregator |
This class aggregates the cluster centroid values and sum the new centroid values.
HelloExample.HelloDriver | |
KMeansConnectedDataflowExample | |
KMeansConnectedDataflowExample.CentroidAggregator |
This class aggregates the cluster centroid values and sum the new centroid values.
KMeansConnectedDataflowExample.KMeansAllReduceTask | |
KMeansConnectedDataflowExample.KMeansDriver | |
KMeansConnectedDataflowExample.KMeansSourceTask | |
KMeansDataObjectCompute |
This class is responsible for handling the data objects and converting into two-dimensional array
of objects.
KMeansDataObjectDirectSink<T> |
This class receives the message object from the DataObjectCompute and write into their
respective task index values.
ParallelDataFlowsExample | |
ParallelDataFlowsExample.Aggregator |
This class aggregates the cluster centroid values and sum the new centroid values.
ParallelDataFlowsExample.ParallelDataflowsDriver | |
TwoDataFlowsExample | |
TwoDataFlowsExample.Aggregator |
This class aggregates the cluster centroid values and sum the new centroid values.
TwoDataFlowsExample.TwoDataFlowsDriver |