TSet Caching
About this example
There are instances where we need to merge two datasets(TSets) to do a single computation. In TSets, although you define your TSet operations in a top down approach, twister2 doesn't execute them straight away unless you call a terminal command. A terminal command can be a sink() or a forEach() where you actually consume the output or it can even be a cache() or a persist() where you don't consume the output, instead hold the output in memory or disk. This example shows how cache() command can be useful when adding a dataset as an input of computation of another dataset.
TSet Cache Operation
When you call cache() on a TSet, twister2 executes everything in the chain, upto that point and holds the resulting datset in memory. Cached TSets can be added as inputs for subsequent computations.
SourceTSet<Integer> sourceX = env.createSource(new SourceFunc<Integer>() {
private int count = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return count < 10;
public Integer next() {
return count++;
}, 4);
ComputeTSet<Object, Iterator<Object>> twoComputes = sourceX.direct().compute((itr, c) -> {
itr.forEachRemaining(i -> {
c.collect(i * 5);
}).direct().compute((itr, c) -> {
itr.forEachRemaining(i -> {
c.collect((int) i + 2);
CachedTSet<Object> cached = twoComputes.cache();
// when cache is called, twister2 will run everything upto this point and cache the result
// into the memory. Cached TSets can be added as inputs for other TSets and operations.
SourceTSet<Integer> sourceZ = env.createSource(new SourceFunc<Integer>() {
private int count = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return count < 10;
public Integer next() {
return count++;
}, 4);
ComputeTSet<Integer, Iterator<Integer>> calc = sourceZ.direct().compute(
new ComputeCollectorFunc<Integer, Iterator<Integer>>() {
private DataPartitionConsumer<Integer> xValues;
public void prepare(TSetContext context) {
this.xValues = (DataPartitionConsumer<Integer>) context.getInput("x").getConsumer();
public void compute(Iterator<Integer> zValues, RecordCollector<Integer> output) {
while (zValues.hasNext()) {
output.collect(xValues.next() + zValues.next());
calc.addInput("x", cached);
calc.direct().forEach(i -> {
LOG.info("(x * 5) + 2 + z =" + i);
For any operation, you could define your logic inside a concrete python function or even in a lambda expression.
class IntSource(SourceFunc):
def __init__(self):
self.i = 0
def has_next(self):
return self.i < 10
def next(self):
res = self.i
self.i = self.i + 1
return res
source_x = env.create_source(IntSource(), 4)
def mul_by_five(itr, collector, ctx: TSetContext):
for i in itr:
collector.collect(i * 5)
def add_two(itr, collector, ctx: TSetContext):
for i in itr:
collector.collect(i + 2)
two_computes = source_x.compute(mul_by_five).compute(add_two)
cached = two_computes.cache()
source_z = env.create_source(IntSource(), 4)
def combine_x_and_z(itr, collector, ctx: TSetContext):
x_values = ctx.get_input("x").consumer()
for x, z in zip(itr, x_values):
collector.collect(x + z)
calc = source_z.compute(combine_x_and_z)
calc.add_input("x", cached)
calc.for_each(lambda i: print("(x * 5) + 2 + z = %d" % i))
In this example, when you call cache on two_computes, twister2 performs (x*5)+2 calculation and holds the resulting values in memory. These values can be then fed into source_z.compute() operation through the TSetContext
Running this example
./bin/twister2 submit standalone jar examples/libexamples-java.jar edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample
./bin/twister2 submit standalone python examples/python/tset_caching.py
We should see 4 similar responses from each worker printing the (x * 5 ) + 2 + z values where x and z varies from 0 to 9.
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =2
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =8
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =14
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =20
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =26
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =32
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =38
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =44
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =50
[2019-11-27 11:20:28 -0500] [INFO] [worker-0] [main] edu.iu.dsc.tws.examples.tset.tutorial.intermediate.caching.TSetCachingExample: (x * 5) + 2 + z =56
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 2
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 8
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 14
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 20
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 26
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 32
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 38
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 44
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 50
(x * 5) + 2 + z = 56