How can I configure my IDE to work with Twister2
After cloning Twister2 source to your workstation, run crips/setup-intellij.sh if you are using IntelliJ or scripts/setup-eclispe.sh if you are using Eclipse. This will generate IDE specific project metadata files in the root directory of the project.
How can I add a new maven dependency to the project
Specify your library in WORKSPACE file using maven_jar rule.
maven_jar( name = "my_new_dependency", artifact = "com.my.dep:my-lib:0.4.0" )
Specify your newly added dependency in relevant BUILD file as follows, to associate it with java library that you are working on.
java_library( name = "my-library", srcs = glob(["**/*.java"]), deps = ["@my_new_dependency//jar"], )
To make suggestions available within your IDE, clean project metadata files(.iml or .project) and re-run scrips/setup-intellij.sh if you are using IntelliJ or scripts/setup-eclispe.sh if you are using Eclipse.